V hotelu Pokljuka sem bila dvakrat na pripravah (enkrat od tega sem spala v višinski sobi). Hotel najbolj izstopa od vseh drugih z neverjetno prijaznostjo osebja. Karkoli sem potrebovala (tudi če so bile želje kdaj res nelogične) so se potrudili, da so mi ugodili. Ker sem veganka imam velikokrat probleme na pripravah s hrano, ampak kuharji so se posebno potrudili in sem prav vsak dan imela drugačen veganski obrok. Hotel ima tudi telovadnico in fitnes, kjer sem zahajala skoraj vsako popoldne in dve savni (tudi preizkušeno – komaj čakam, da pridem spet). Ker treniram gorski tek je Pokljuka zame idealna za treninge, saj mi nudi razgibane poti po planoti in tudi daljše klance na višje vrhove. Čeprav sem bila na Pokljuki na pripravah je bil to zame en odklop v naravi daleč od kakršnega koli hrupa.

Ana Čufer – Mountain runner

Ana Čufer – Mountain runner

I don’t think we could want a better location for training in Slovenia. Accommodation in high-altitude rooms, a suitable gym with fitness, a run through the forests of Pokljuka, the proximity of the Bled stadium, and for regeneration, a sauna and helpful staff who prepare excellent food. Since I have to run quite a few kilometres, I prefer to choose the flat route between Mrzli studenec and Rudno polje. Several times. 🙂 But my favourite is when I have a long slow run planned, where I can really get carefree lost in Pokljuka and merge with nature.

Neja Kršinar – Athlete, long-distance runner.

Neja Kršinar – Athlete, long-distance runner.

I have been going to Hotel Pokljuka since 2018 for altitude training before the competition season. I feel at home here as the staff is very hospitable and the environment is enjoyable. I sleep in a hypoxic room and train in Pokljuka and Bled. I do the vital training at the athletic stadium in Bled, which is only a 20-minute drive from the hotel. Pokljuka, on the other hand, provides excellent terrain for training “slopes”, which are also an essential part of my training. When I am in Pokljuka, I completely relax and regenerate well during training. The surroundings are peaceful, and the food in the hotel is excellent.

Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek – Top athlete, national record holder in the 3000 m hurdles.

Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek – Top athlete, national record holder in the 3000 m hurdles.